Pro-Life Group Endorses Diane Black For Governor

Diane Black

National pro-life group Susan B. Anthony List announced its endorsement of Diane Black for governor of Tennessee.

“We are thrilled to endorse a dear friend of SBA List, pro-life champion Diane Black for governor of Tennessee,” said former U.S. Congresswoman Marilyn Musgrave, SBA List’s vice president of government affairs. “Her heroic leadership in Congress has been a driving force for pro-life progress. From investigating America’s largest abortion business, Planned Parenthood, for its role in trafficking baby body parts, to stopping taxpayer funding of the abortion industry, to speaking out against late-term abortion, she is a tireless defender of unborn children and their mothers. Diane will make an outstanding governor. We urge all pro-life Tennesseans to support her.”

The announcement made headlines on at least one pro-life website,

Black accepted the endorsement, saying: “I’m honored to have the endorsement of Susan B. Anthony List. As a nurse, fighting for the unborn has always been an issue that is near and dear to my heart. In the state legislature, I sponsored SJR 127, which became Amendment 1 – the most important pro-life measure in the history of our state. And in Congress, I sponsored the bill to defund Planned Parenthood and the Conscience Protection Act and have supported pro-life legislation like the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. With partners like SBA List, I will continue to fight for our pro-life values as Tennessee’s next Governor.”

Black is a former clinical care nurse who has represented Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District since 2011. She is a member of both the House Pro-life Caucus and the Pro-life Women’s Caucus. She served on the Select Investigative Panel for Infant Lives, tasked with investigating the abortion industry’s role in the harvest and sale of aborted babies’ body parts for profit, and is the chief sponsor of legislation passed by the U.S. House that defunds Planned Parenthood.

Black is an outspoken supporter of both the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. She also authored the pro-life Conscience Protection Act. In 2017 she received the Marilyn Musgrave Defender of Life Award at SBA List’s tenth annual Campaign for Life Gala.

Susan B. Anthony List and its partner super PAC, Women Speak Out, spent more than $18 million in the 2016 election cycle, knocking on more than 1.1 million doors in battleground states to defeat Hillary Clinton and maintain a pro-life Senate. SBA List is dedicated to pursuing policies and electing candidates who will reduce and ultimately end abortion. To that end, the SBA List emphasizes the education, promotion, mobilization, and election of pro-life women.  The SBA List is a network of more than 630,000 pro-life Americans nationwide.

Tea Party Nation founder and long time conservative activist Judson Phillips endorsed Black last week.









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One Thought to “Pro-Life Group Endorses Diane Black For Governor”

  1. John Bumpus

    Diane Black touts her service as Chair of the U. S. House of Representatives Budget Committee, but the current six month omnibus federal spending bill that was passed by Congress about a month ago contained a Five Hundred Million Dollar ($500,000,000) appropriation for Planned Parenthood. How is this action pro-life? If Black was the Congressional power that she claims to be, and if she is so pro-life, then how did this monetary appropriation get into the legislation? Black, as Chair of the House Budget Committee, certainly should have/would have known about this appropriation beforehand, wouldn’t she? Things don’t ‘add up.’
